This is not a good week to read about my Once a Week Cooking adventures since I screwed up my rice (I overboiled it and it's all slimy and gross) and didn't make rice and beans, and used bottled dressing for my salad instead of the homemade I had planned. :) I promise in other weeks I'm fabulous at this.
The good news is that I did prepare a bunch of baby food this week that baby C has been LOVING. So this week I'm good at being a "prepared mom," but bad at being a prepared Weight Watcher.
I've sent out applications to two schools, and it's been weighing on my mind. I'm so nervous! But so excited! Can you guys imagine me as Dr. X, PROFESSOR??? I'm especially jazzed about this school: Chatham University (Image stolen from this site)

Keep us posted on the schools. You would be a great professor.
Quote - The Devil Wears Prada!!
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